Saturday, August 13, 2011

What I Love about Haiti so far...

  1. The kids! did you even have to guess that this would be first on the list? :grin: They are so kind and loving, and glad to just be with you, even if you cant communicate one word with them.
  2. The wind! I love the wind, and this is one thing that is almost non-existent in Texas summers.
  3. The beautiful land- mountains in the distance, right on the ocean
  4. the weather! While it's hot, it is so much cooler and more comfortable than 118 like it was in Texas! I can actually enjoy being outside!
  5. The roof! This is such an awesome place, where the wind is the strongest, and it's so refreshing!
  6. The apartment... There has been a ton of work going on before I got here, and the things they did made it amazing! There are screens on all the windows, which means they can be open without worrying about the mosquitoes... The shower is awesome, the kitchen is great, (and I dont have to share it with anyone... :grin:)
  7. The rain! They say it hasnt rained much in the last little bit... but so far, it has rained a bit each day I have been here, and it feels awesome! I love walking in the rain.
  8. The lightning- It's like God's light show! I actually got a few pictures of it tonight! Woohoo!
  9. The missionaries- :grin: It always helps to like who you are working with, and this time it's easy!
~ Chelbertina

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