Thursday, August 18, 2011

What I hate about Haiti

I'm sure many of you knew this post was coming since I already did the other half of it, talking about what I loved here... lol!
  1. The trash. It's everywhere, all over the roads, the ditches, the mountainside, even in the cities.
  2. the poverty. The whole place is poor, and not really anything is being done about it... and not sure that anything CAN be done about it.
  3. The price of the food, and everything else. It's outrageous! 11 dollars for a half gallon of milk? I think I can wait a few more weeks before I give in for that one...
  4. The mentality of the people. Bro. Ron was telling me a story about how some university took loads of trash to see if it could be used, they found a use for part of it, and tried to implement it, and it just didn't work because the people were so used to doing it the way they had always done it, and were not willing to change.
  5. The SPIDERS! There was a tarantula in my apartment today... :shudders: that was not fun. Terry warned me that it sounded like it was one of the smaller ones, with the bigger ones getting to be like 3 inches big. Ugh. The Tarantulas can stay somewhere else please!
  6. The traffic. I still say that the traffic here is a bit worse than Guatemala... which that statement in itself says something!
  7. The roads. They are right there with Guatemala on this one too... potholes, speedbumps, and cracks and crevices from the earthquake, trash piles right in the middle of the road, rubble blocking the way... yeah. So much goes into this one.
  8. The air pollution. We followed a school bus home today, and it was belching black exhaust fumes... and I got so nausiated about halfway home... ugh. Not fun!
~ Chelbertina

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