Saturday, January 26, 2013

What makes the difference?


Well that was simple... I guess I had better expound on that thought more or else this could easily be a complete 5 word post. :grin:

Here in Abu Dhabi, it is a Muslim country- complete with the call to prayer bouncing off the walls 5 times a day that you can hear in your sleep without even opening the windows. So what is the difference between what I believe and what they believe? How do I know that what I believe is right? How do I know it is more than just something that I believe because its what I grew up learning about? How do I know that Jesus really died on the cross and was raised from the dead instead of being saved at the last minute?

I may not know all of the technical answers but I do know these things.
1) Jesus is real, he was not made up, he was not just a prophet, and there is power in his name.
2) Jesus helps, he cares, and he has shown himself strong in my life personally.
3) Jesus listens, he responds, he is a personal God who knows just what I need.

The difference is I have the proof. The difference is I have the evidence... And even when I get so blind at times to what God is doing, and have a hard time seeing what is happening in my own life personally... What I see him doing in others, seeing new people get the Holy Ghost for the first time, seeing others being helped, blessed, guided, helps me through those times.

That's all.
~ Chelbertina.

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